Success Stories
Our doctors have been using i-scribe for 10 months now and couldn’t be happier.
Marly Spoddig, GP Practice Manager
i-scribe is the best program for my notes. My letters and notes come out in seconds and are incredibly accurate. My admin can get the letters to the GP by the end of the day. I can also take the mobile version on ward rounds which I find incredibly handy.
Dr Sandeep Arunothayaraj, Interventional Cardiologist
It's thrilling to see AI technology come to life in my consulting room. i-scribe has transformed my practice and helped me shift to electronic records. I now have more time to listen and assess patients. My written communication with GPs and other colleagues has improved, capturing more detail about my consultations and advice given to my patients. Software like I-scribe is undoubtedly the future, and I am thrilled to have discovered it.
Dr Tanveer Ahmed, Psychiatrist
I have recommended i-scribe to my clinic and colleagues because it reduces the administrative burden of GP work - allowing me to focus more on the person in front of me. It does a great job capturing the essence of the consultation and has cut down on hours of paper work, letter writing and notes. I also feel more medico-legally covered, as i-scribe documents each key aspect of my consult - so nothing gets missed.
Stephen, GP
i-scribe has been a seamless program to rollout within our clinic. Our clinicians and admin staff have found the functions so easy to follow. It’s reduced administration time and greatly enhanced our communication with our patients and referral sources.
Nicola Ball, State Business Manager
I really feel that i-scribe can allow us more connected time and better care with the person in front of us and also get us home earlier to our families. Both big wins!